Happy Birthday Photoshop!
Photoshop turns 20 today, and I came across an interesting read on webdesignerdepot.com on the history of Photoshop.
With about a dozen major releases ( and another on the way in a few short months) Photoshop has become one of, if not THE most important tool in any graphic and Web designers arsenal. As a photoshop user since version 5.0 (circa 1998…), the webdesingerdepot.com article is a short walk down memory lane, listing some of the major changes between each release. A little strange thinking back on how we used Photoshop WITHOUT some of the great tools used today – can’t even imagine working in Photoshop without layers or “Save for Web”! The article also includes an interview with John Knoll who (along with his brother) created Photoshop.
While I’ve come across some designers who swear by Fireworks (especially for web stuff), I can’t imagine using anything other than Photoshop. Easily the most important design tool I have. Many thanks to the Knolls for creating such a great product (and continually making it better).