Thank you K!

Thank you K!

On August 1, 2008, Posted by , In Mike's Opinions, With No Comments

I’ve written close to 20 Flash tutorials so far, and I really enjoy writing them. I try to explain things clearly, and hope that the readers understand them and can easily complete the tutorial, and learn something in the process. I like that I can teach something to people around the world and whom I’ve never even met.

Of course, not everyone gets through these tutorials without problems. I understand, it’s expected. I don’t fell that my tutorials are bad because some people have problems, and I don’t think people who have difficulties with the tutorial don’t know what they are doing. People learn differently and comprehend things differently, so not everyone gets through these tutorials without a hitch.

I get plenty of questions and comments when people are having problems with any of my Flash tutorials. And I absolutely welcome all questions and comments (good or bad). I try very hard to help users and answer any questions they may have. I’ve had several back and forth emails with different readers who have had questions, and hopefully have helped them solve the problems. Unfortunately, I’m not always able to answer questions for several reasons… sometimes I just don’t have the time, sometimes the reader didn’t provide enough info, sometimes the question is well beyond the scope of the tutorial… but no matter whether I can answer the question or not, I appreciate people asking. It let’s me know that people are reading them, which is very gratifying.

Recently, a reader was trying to apply one of my tutorials to a real world project, and was struggling to get it to do exactly what she needed. We’ve been communicating through email for several weeks now, and while we haven’t quite gotten to the desired result just yet, I think we will. As appreciation for my help, she has made a monetary donation to the site. While it wasn’t expected, and no dollar value was asked of her, it was very appreciated. She simply gave an amount that she thought was right, and I happily accepted. So, for that I would like to publicly say “thank you K (aka Lou in the comment string).”

Her donation will help keep this site running so that more tutorials can be written and hopefully help others learn Flash. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a new Flash tutorial, but the readers have actually given me several new ideas, I just need to find the time to write them. Keep those questions and comments coming, and I’ll try my best to keep writing new tutorials.

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