Optimizing a Web Site – And Your Résumé
Jobminx is an online résumé targeting and optimization service that allows users to compare their résumé to any job description and get a report based on the same technology that employers use to screen job applicants.
By nature of their business, they know the importance of optimization. And so when it came time to create a web site to not only use the tools, but market the service, they reached out to Spitshine Design.
Working closely with company stakeholders and developers across the country, we provided the creative design and user experience for both the tools themselves as well as the web site and all marketing materials.
Utilizing UserTesting.com and the Optimizely testing platform, Spitshine continues to work closely with the fine folks at Jobminx to optimize the marketing and feature set of their site and résumé optimization tools.
Currently available in beta, the full site aims to have an official launch early 2015.
Click on the thumbnails below to view full screen shots.